Niche marketing coaching for creative and caring professionals who dread the word "marketing"

Business coaching | Storytelling coaching | Content marketing | Niche marketing

You never set out to become a business bigwig.

But maybe you've come to realize that you need a little networking, marketing, and media magic to make your professional dreams a successful reality.

What's your story?

On every episode of the School of Psych podcast I talk with awesome counselors, coaches, authors, academics, journalists, and more who have gotten incredibly clear on their messages and their helping missions. But it hasn't been easy for them to get there! For most it's taken a great deal of personal struggle, resilience, and big hearted courage to put themselves out there.

Before you sign up for yet ANOTHER online course with even more web strategies, systems, funnels, social media hacks, and list building tricks...let's get super clear on who you are, what you offer, and how the world will see your awesome!

I love coaching talented but tentative professionals like you to get laser-like clarity on your mission and your message, to overcome fear and imposter syndrome, to create genuine and confident professional connections, and to deliver emotionally compelling stories and content in order to increase incomes, attract more ideal clients, wow your professional colleagues, and create a meaningful impact with your work.

Use the contact form below to get in touch with me today to learn more about business and professional coaching with me to help you grow your business, attract ideal clients, increase visibility, and express your awesome self!